Posts tagged with: equality

People the world over agree that being a nation requires making sure every child attends school. Almost all of the over 180 countries in the world include education as a constitutional right for all citizens (The Atlantic, 11/28/18)....
The phrase, “It is my God-given right,” seems to be cropping up a lot lately. What do you think of when you hear this phrase?...
Raise your hands. How many people learned about Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address when you were in school? Do you remember how it ends?...
When Alan Paton wrote his novel (1948) about the effects of racial, economic and social injustice on individual citizens in South Africa, it became an international classic. The book portrayed the system of apartheid, and the suffering it caused in...
Note: For me and for my readers, it is good to pause every so often to take a more personal, less intellectual and philosophical approach to equality. I call these “inside-out” exercises because they draw from deep inside our own...